Thursday, August 13, 2009

Gmail, Google Apps Leaves Beta Version

Hard to believe, but it is real that Gmail and Google at last leave beta evrsion, tahta indicated that Google be more seriously to developing their product to bigger market. Google said more taht 1.75 companies all over the world already run their businnes with rely on Google Apps. Gmail users maybe can no really feel differance between beta and final version, but with Gmail decision to leave beta version, Google definitely can make sure big companies to use Gmail paid version. Google hopes Gmail, Docs, Calendar, and other application that their developed can more used by many global companies. Further, leave beta version from some Google services indicated their are ready to compete with Microsoft. Beside Gmail and Google Apps, Google also released final vesrdion for Google Calendar and Googel Talk. Even Gmail and other Google services still in beta version for long time, but that can’t be denied that many Google application run more stable although in beta version. Google still keep many beta version of their application, and it seem that company in nearly time will release many final version. Just wait and see.


Unknown said...

nice info

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