Monday, August 17, 2009

Firefox Browser

Many smart handphone users unpatient to wait Firefox browser mobile or Fennec present. Browser mobile usually only have a bit features and always uncertain compatability. Indepent browser maker like Opera still looking for loyal customer that usually come from low end hand phone users, and keep to developing light browser like Opera Mini. Mozilla browser inaugural, Fennec, bringed to handphone with touch screen based. Fennet at this time just reached Beta version 1, and likely have chance to replace Opera Mini position. Add on, easy address, entry and bookmarking feature, also compatibily to many kind of handphone brands will make Fennec to be first choice of mobile browser users. But Mozilla for this moment only tested Fennec on Nokia N810, look more like mini computer than handphone. Good news, Mozilla will test their browser on sophiticated handphone Google G1 or Blackberry Storm, and for iPhone user will be disappointed, because iPhone only can used their own brower that make by Safari webkit based.

1 comments: said...

salam friend
forefox browser,, my computer nothing problem,,if by forefox ,,,
thank info

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