Monday, August 10, 2009

Firefox 3.5

Browser already became favorite application at this time, especially on internet world. Internet growing faster and bigger. Many information, transaction, or entertainment can be perform in this global media. Of course custimer need browser not only to get information but was moved to another needs, like security, customization, better performa, faster, and another feature like add-on fasilities. In the other word, browser demand to make innovation. On of popular browser who continue to make innovation is Firefox. The newest version released is known as version 3.5. Ini thus version, you can directly watch a video via browser, without need to added plug in or external media player, make control the smart location but results with special character, new trial mode private browsing, update for clear recent history function, even can do drag and drop tab bar from one window of Firefox to other window. Immediately to update to version 3.5 and enjoy new feature. Minimus specification Windows 2000. You can download file with size 7.73 MB at


MY TECHNO said...

thanks for download link...

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